About US

My photo
Nate and I have been married for 2 and a half years now now which has gone by pretty fast! In January we were blessed to have Brynlee join our family. Nate works as a software engineer at Novell and I am so grateful for the hard worker he is and how he goes to work every day to support us. He is the best husband to me and the best dad to Brynlee and she can't get enough of him. I stay at home with Brynlee along with doing esthetics part time. And Brynlee just stays busy keeping us smiling everyday! We couldn't be a happier little family!

Wedding Slideshow

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Picture Tag!

So I was tagged by Misty. I got into my sixth folder on my computer and found my sixth picture. This picture was taken about 2 yrs ago. Nate and I were dating and it was my first time visiting Georgia. One of the days we spent in downtown Atlanta and this was at the Coke Museum. We were about to go see the 3D movie, as you can tell by the glasses :)
I tag: Marcie, Kim, Bethany, Melissa, Devyn, Alyssa and Cindi
