About US

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Nate and I have been married for 2 and a half years now now which has gone by pretty fast! In January we were blessed to have Brynlee join our family. Nate works as a software engineer at Novell and I am so grateful for the hard worker he is and how he goes to work every day to support us. He is the best husband to me and the best dad to Brynlee and she can't get enough of him. I stay at home with Brynlee along with doing esthetics part time. And Brynlee just stays busy keeping us smiling everyday! We couldn't be a happier little family!

Wedding Slideshow

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It is cold outside!

Nate's dad came into town last week and we had so much fun! We went and drove through Thanksgiving Points light and I put Brynlee on my lap (we were driving very slowly and we were in the back seat) and I had my window rolled down. She was clapping, pointing and laughing through the whole thing. It was cute, she layed her head on the window and kept saying, "Aww" or "babada" just talking to herself. The next night we went to the festival of trees. She liked the lights on the tree, I think her favorite tree was an Elmo/Sesame street one. The pictures are from that. Even though it was freezing outside she was still smiling! You can tell by the pictures how much she just loves her dad! The last picture is of her looking at the ceiling, its a kind of new thing she does is tips her head back, and looks up or behind her. She doesn't want to miss a thing!
Then the next night, his dad and Grandma came over and we just hung out at our house. We put our tree up and had a nice little dinner. It's always so fun when he comes into town and we get to see him. Brynlee sure liked her Grandpa Kranendonk!

10 Months

So crazy that Brynlee is 1o months old, almost 11 months! She is still the cutest thing ever in our world! Here are some things she is doing so we can remember them.

-Loves to wave hi, or bye to anyone leaving. We'll be at the grocery store and she'll wave and say, "hi" to anybody who looks at her
-Has a fake cry, and sometimes has a little attitude!
-Loves Elmo and teddy bears
-Loves to play hide and seek. Even if I just say, "Brynlee where are you?" She'll put her hands over her eyes, likes to play it in her car seat and hides under her visor. So cute
-Loves to play pat-a-cake. Grabs my hands and puts them together or will start clapping to play it.
-Loves to clap at herself if she thinks she is doing a good job or something, or if she hears the word yay!
-Crawling a lot more. Will throw things/move things to get them out of her way.
- If she wants to read a book she'll pick it up, either clap, hand it to me or the best, she'll just throw the book at me!
- Says ball (ba) when she's see a ball and points o it, still loves to roll or throw the ball back and forth.
-Says dada and know its him. Its cute. When he comeshome for work she get so excited and sometimes say, "Hi dada'' Or just wave at him and claps her hands
-Still hates to stand or have us walk with her. She is fine standing against the table, but if we try walking with her or make her stand, she bends her bum and legs and start to get mad
- Loves to close/open doors, put things in a bucket, box, basket, ect then take them out, then put them back in
-starting to like lids(opening and closing them)
-You love hitting the garage door button. When I get you out of the car you put your arm straight out so you can push that button!
-Throwing your food on the floor is such a fun game for you :)
-Loves to click her tongue or mimics things we do
-Babbles tons, and is trying to figure out how to say words. Is talking tons more and sounds like she has lots of stories to tell you!
-Loves computers and cell phones. Puts our cell phones up by her ear and pretends to talk
-My favorite little companion :)
