About US

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Nate and I have been married for 2 and a half years now now which has gone by pretty fast! In January we were blessed to have Brynlee join our family. Nate works as a software engineer at Novell and I am so grateful for the hard worker he is and how he goes to work every day to support us. He is the best husband to me and the best dad to Brynlee and she can't get enough of him. I stay at home with Brynlee along with doing esthetics part time. And Brynlee just stays busy keeping us smiling everyday! We couldn't be a happier little family!

Wedding Slideshow

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

9 months!

I have been a slacker with updating what Brynlee has been up to, but I figured since she just had her 9 month check up it was about time! I never know how to write these so I decided to write this how she will be the one reading about herself someday! It's pretty long but I did say I am a bit behind in updating!
She now weighs 15 pounds, 5 ounces (4th percentile) and she is 28" long (68th percentile) and we just love her more then ever! At 9 months Brynlee you:
*Sleep AMAZINGLY well at night and during the day for naps. At night, you usually sleep anywhere from 11-14 hours, and usually take 1-2 naps each being 2-3 hrs.
*You love soft blankets around your face. when your tired or sad, you get your little pink and white blanket and rub it on your face. Or you'll just bury your face in the blanket and pull it over you eyes
*When you point, you curl your index finger down so your pointing with your knuckle. You like to point at everything you see!
*You love to turn off and on light switches. Especially when I get you out of your crib, you point to the light switch to turn it on or off.
*You are a very giggly and smiley baby and you are very easy going.
*You love any food and eat as much as you can whenever you can (you've always been that way)
*You love watching your Sesame Street "kids favorite songs 2" dvd, and smile, clap and will sit and watch the whole thing (a little more then half hour I think)
*You make a big "O" face and open your mouth so wide when you see something you like
*Love going to the library and love all the little kids there. You still love to read/look at books
*You stand holding on to things
*Still just do the army crawl. You get in crawling position and go back and forth then you decide doing the army crawl is the way you perferr it.
*Love your little teddy bears and when you especially see the white one you start laughing and clap your hands. Even if your crying and so sad that always makes you happy!
*You definitely have an opinion about things and let us know when your mad at us( like when we get you dressed or take your food away) you kick your legs and mumble words like your giving us a lecture or yelling at us! You for sure have an attitude but for now I think it's cute :)
*Your best friend right now is your man Camden Olsen. You two are so cute together!
*You wave at people and clap your hands especially when we say good job brynlee, or you see something you like!
*You say da-da like crazy, and I am pretty sure you know how to say hi cuz when you sometimes see people you know you'll say it, or it sounds just like it, and you like to babble. I think today in the car you talked to yourself/the teddy bear for about 20 minutes straight.
*You just get more active and stronger everyday. I LOVE being around you, and I think we are a bit obsessed with you!
We sure do Love you Brynlee!


  1. She is the cutest, most perfect baby. So glad I know her and that we get to see her all the time!

    Camden loves being her best friend. :)

  2. She is so cute Trish! I can't believe how interactive and smart she is! I can't wait to see her (and of course you and Nate too) next month!!

