About US

My photo
Nate and I have been married for 2 and a half years now now which has gone by pretty fast! In January we were blessed to have Brynlee join our family. Nate works as a software engineer at Novell and I am so grateful for the hard worker he is and how he goes to work every day to support us. He is the best husband to me and the best dad to Brynlee and she can't get enough of him. I stay at home with Brynlee along with doing esthetics part time. And Brynlee just stays busy keeping us smiling everyday! We couldn't be a happier little family!

Wedding Slideshow

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pregnancy pictures

I really haven't put any pictures up since you can tell that i'm pregnant or even updated my blog but I figured since I won't be pregnant for much longer, I better put at least a couple up. In both these photos I am about 37 weeks almost 38. I am due in 3 days and am so ready for this baby to be here! I hope we don't have to wait to much longer past that for her to come....
My sister and her husband were able to come up for Christmas and since she is due in April, we decided it would be fun to get a pregnant picture together since who knows if we'll ever be pregnant at the same time again (unless she decides to keep following in her little sisters footsteps :) I know we are dressed alike, but hey... when you find something that's comfortable when pregnant, you have got to wear it! (we changed though so we weren't matching when we went out!)
Like I said, I hope this baby decides to come sooner then later, then I will finally have something much more exciting to blog about and might be better at updating!!


  1. I had no idea Brianna is Prego too! how fun for you guys! I miss your fam tell them hi for me!

  2. That is such a cute picture! You will treasure that forever!!! Good luck with little baby girl! :)

  3. So cute Trisha!! Good luck with everything coming up. I'm excited for you!

  4. Hey girl congrats on the future baby! That's so exciting for both you and your sister. Tell her I say hi. It's been forever, I just came up on your page today and am shocked. You are going to have such a cute little family. Good luck with everything!

  5. You are the cutest pregnant girl!!! I hope everything goes good with the delivery!! let us amara girls know! love ya~

  6. Congrats Trish!! Can't wait to see her! You better post pictures as soon as she arrives!

  7. you are TOO cute!!! can't wait to see pictures of her! Have you decided on a name?

  8. Two of the most adorable pregnant gals I have ever seen. I love you two and can't wait to see your new daughter. Wow, a daughter. I hope she is as great as you!
    Love you,

